The Mission

Our mission is to enhance the fitness, mental wellbeing, and overall health of ​First Responders through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) training. We aim to unite those ​who are already passionate about BJJ for networking and mutual support, while ​also leveraging our collective efforts to raise funds for non-profits and ​charities that support First Responders and victims of crime. Through this ​initiative, we strive to foster a strong, resilient community committed to both ​personal and collective well-being.


Fundraising to support

MADD - Arizona, the 100 Club & Prevent Child Abuse - Arizona.

Money raised will benefit Police Officers and Fire Fighters through these organizations. Along with providing assistance to members of our community who were victims to crime.

MADD - Arizona

Mother's Against Drunk driving

The 100 Club

Prevent Child Abuse - arizona

Blue Belt Sponsor


3' x 5' Sign at Event

Social Media Shout Out

Purple Belt Sponsor


Swag Opportunities

3' x 5' Sign at Event

Social Media Shout Out

White Belt Sponsor


Social Media Shout Out

Black Belt Sponsor


Title Sponsor Opportunities

Vendor Booth Opportunities

Swag Opportunities

3' x 5' Sign at the Event

Social Media Shout Out

Brown Belt Sponsor


Vendor Booth Opportunities

Swag Opportunities

3' x 5' Sign at Event

Social Media Shout Out

Interested Sponsors contact David Burke at David.Burke@PeoriaAZ.Gov


Interested in Donating?

We have provided the following option to make it easier to support

Any questions contact David Burke at David.Burke@PeoriaAZ.Gov

Supported By

Peoria Police Officer

Association Charities

Peoria Firefighters Chatities

David Burke

I've trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu since 2019 and have worked in law enforcement since 2015. While in law enforcment I have also trained in EMS working with multiple fire departments. In all aspects of being a first responders health and fitness became key. The goal of this tournament is to encourage first responders to train and continue to improve to help themselves, the community and their families. This tournament also provides the opportunity to engage and help the community by involving local schools, students & local small businesses to come together. Bringing support to organizations whose mission is to help victims of crimes or by providing training for first responders to help those who can't help themselves.

Special Thank You

PPOA Charities



Instagram: policeandfirejiujitsu